Eating with conscience
Food is one of
our basic needs, it’s one of the most import things in my life – I cook, I read
about nutrition, and when I visit a new place I get to know it through the local
food and restaurants (often looking them up on the HappyCow app). And it’s part
of this series about sustainable travel, of course. It matters when you’re on
the road, and it matters at home.
I was going
to write about food while travelling as well as at home, as part of the
sustainability series. So I sat down and addressed different matters – and
wrote, and wrote. There is so much to say, so you’ll get two articles on this!
I love food!
Now I’m not
going to tell you about what kind of diet you should follow and what kinds of
foods are healthy. Everyone is different, and everyone can do research. But I
am going to confront you with some facts about the impact our daily food
decisions have on the world – people, animals, the environment. What we choose
to eat is something we should think about more – when we travel, and at home.
What follows are some of the many reasons why I’m vegan, why I try to buy
local, seasonal, unpackaged foods. I’m not saying “what you eat is bad for the
world” – I’m just giving you information. Then make your own decisions.
Neither am
I saying you should give things up – I’m saying let’s explore more sustainable
There are
loads of blogs, books, YouTube videos etc. out there for inspiration, recipes,
and more, and I have linked them below!
Last week I
watched two documentaries about food. One came to the conclusion that if you
follow a vegan diet, you can eat as many carbohydrates as you want, you won’t
get obese and you’re pretty much safe from disease like diabetes, because all
of that is caused by animal products.[1]
The second one concluded that sugar is the one thing that makes people sick,
especially fructose, so smoothies are among the “bad foods”, and you can eat as
much meat as you want, cut the sugar and you’ll be lean and healthy.[2]
This sounds much exaggerated, and maybe by summarizing it in one sentence it
is, but both had scientific proof and done profound research. What I’m saying
is: There is enough information out there to fit your needs, I don’t need to
add more.
I function
best on a vegan diet, but a raw vegan diet wasn’t for me. Other people lack
nutrients when they eat vegan and I don’t want to encourage anyone to only be
healthy with supplements. I’m tired of this discussion whether a vegan diet is
healthy or not.
I’m not a
I could,
however, talk for hours about the impact on climate change and animal welfare
that the production of meat, egg and dairy have. That is part of my job, and it
was while travelling that many things in this area are very clear to me, but
only because this is what I’m studying. Not everyone knows that if you eat a
hamburger, it’s much more likely to be dairy cow meat than “actual” beef. The
reason is simple:
farmers have usually specialized in just one product: Milk, or meat, or eggs,
or crop,… And the cows that produce are different breeds (mostly Friesians,
these black and white ones) than the ones that produce meat. They are also kept
in different ways. A dairy cow has a life expectancy of about five years. When
she’s two, she gives birth to her first calf, starting the milk production. After
a while, it decreases, so she has to become pregnant again. Three lactation
periods (or two more calves) later, she has either severe hoof problems, or
mastitis (inflammation of the udder that will cause the milk yield to drop and
the milk to become unfit for sale) or fertility problems. These are the three
main reasons why cows are culled in a dairy farm – when they don’t get
pregnant, they won’t give any more milk. When they’re sick, they give less
milk. So what to do with them? Dairy cows are very skinny creatures, all of
their energy goes into the milk (which is why the male offspring is pretty much
worthless, grows no muscles, gives no milk), but selling their meat is still
better than nothing.
There are
far more dairy cows out there than beef cattle.
A friend
once asked me how I can be a vegan and work with farm animals at the same time.
For me, this makes sense. As much as we (those barefoot, long-haired activist
vegans…) would like them to, people aren’t going to go vegetarian any time soon
(some will, but I mean: the world population). So as long as the demand for
animal products is there, it is our (the veterinarians’, not the vegans’) job
to make their lives as bearable as possible and decrease their sufferings as
much as possible.
What about
the “worthless calves”, you want to know? Like the female calves, they are
taken from their mother before bonding can take place. The colostrum, the thick
milk rich in antibodies is milked by hand and bottle-fed to the calf. And as
soon as the milk is “back to normal” it goes to humans. The male babies are the
calf meat. This white meat. The color is usually caused by an iron deficiency.
They have a very short life in a small, dark space.
Yes, the
animals have a few more privileges, like organic silage instead of conventional
one. But the prophylactic use of antibiotics in animals is prohibited in the
EU, and heavily regulated. Veterinarians have to take a sample and figure out
the specific bacteria that’s causing the disease before administering
antibiotics (in real life, it means that they start treating what they suspect
and then switching if the suspicion was wrong, because the microbes may take
too long to grow for the patient to survive), something most human doctors
don’t do, but this just as a side note.
Many of the
issues are the same, no matter if the animals are organic or not: The calf
still doesn’t get her mother’s milk, obviously (unless it’s a beef cow). Turkeys
still have severe problems with pododermatitis, an inflammation of the foot pad
that is caused by their weight in combination with the increasingly soiled
ground they live on. Turkeys have a life span of 16 (females) and 21 (males)
weeks, and during this time, they live on the same bedding. And egg producing
hens and meat producing chicken are still two different breeds, making the male
offspring of the egg-breed worthless.
This may
seem a lot for someone who said “I’m not trying to make you vegan”. But really,
this is all coming from my professional knowledge as a vet student. In my very
first week of university, I learned that most of the chicken we have in Germany
become 32 days old – when they “don’t even know what gender they are”, as my
professor put it. I learn about methods to fight behavioral problems: due to
lack of space and things to do, production animals get bored. So pigs often get
into the habit of biting into each other’s tails. Once they start bleeding,
they are even more interesting and yummy. So at some point the tail is gone, the
stump infected, the spinal cord exposed. In order to prevent this, the tails
are simply cut off during the first few days in a pig’s life. Germany is
putting a ban on doing this without anesthesia, but I saw with my own eyes: at
the time the tail is cut, there are no nerves or bones in the area, so cutting
through the skin is the only pain. A worse problem is castrating the male
piglets without putting them to sleep: this hurts them much more. But many
people find the taste of boars unappealing.
Hens do a
similar thing, they peck at each other. When they see the blood, they get
curious and, as these birds naturally do, peck some more. This can lead to
cannibalism, when a hoard of hens picks at one individual, tearing out organs
(sometimes they do it themselves because they don’t know what it is), until
this hen ultimately dies. Of course the farmer’s want to prevent this, and it
turns out that if you turn down the lights, so that it’s twilight all the time,
this doesn’t happen as frequently.
We also
learn about the financial struggles of farmers. Animal products are cheap.
Having a few hundred cows and chicken is not something to earn money. It’s a
constant struggle to keep afloat. And it is why the decision about an
individual animal’s treatment is often based on what it costs.
And we have
to work in a slaughterhouse for three weeks (in Germany at least). I think
everyone should do this, to be honest. Vets know exactly where their animal
products come from, how their meat is made.
When it
comes to animal products, another important point is the land that is used –
and what we could use it for instead, feeding many more people. One third of
the earth’s land is used for keeping animals. I’ve mentioned this in the post
on sustainable travel. 10.7% of the world
population are currently suffering from chronic undernourishment, most of them
living in low-income countries, mainly in African and Asian developing countries
(in the sub-Saharan region, 23 percent of people are undernourished. UNICEF and
the WHO estimate that 43 percent of child deaths are due to undernourishment.
On the
other end, we throw away 82 kg of perfectly good food per person and year in
Germany (worth 235€, consider that!), in the USA it’s even more: Between 102
and 132 kg per person and year. The average family of four in America wastes
2kg of food every day.
In total,
that is 18 million kg of food in Germany. Food that could have still been
eaten. Estimates say that Americans dump 15 of the food they buy and when we
remember that food also goes to waste directly from the stores, 25% of the
supply are being sent to landfills in the US. That makes up 14% of landfill
content by weight – and here, it can’t rot, but as researchers have found, is
being preserved instead. Yet another reason why we should sort our trash and
put orange peels, apple cores and tea leaves to the compost instead of the
general waste (after we have further used these things to make our own
DIY-zerowaste household cleaner, apple cider vinegar and kombucha, of course –
you see, so many things are useful that we never thought of!)
In Germany,
the food we throw away every year has grown on 2.6 hectares of land.
We could
save a lot of money and resources by not wasting valuable food!
Before you
buy any food, check what you still have at home. It may be easier for you if
you store it all in clear containers. Have a system in your fridge. Maybe even
consider planning your meals a bit. Write a shopping list before you go and get
groceries. This will help you not buying more than you can eat before it starts
looking ugly. Find out how to correctly store your food to make it look nice
to the FAO, we have enough food in the world to feed everyone. But the “four
dimensions of food security” (physical availability of food, economical and
physical access to food, food utilization, and stability of these factors over
time) are often not met.
We also
have to consider all the energy that goes into producing our food. The crop and
water for animal products, the water for plants – this will go into the
water-themed article. But obviously, when we want oranges in Germany, or
strawberries in Sweden in December, it takes much more energy, water and
transportation, thus CO2 emissions, to get it.
Did you
know that the average food product travels about 1,500 miles to get to your
grocery store? And that transporting food accounts for 30,800 tons of
greenhouse gas emissions every year? (
Here, you
can find vast information about how our food is linked to climate change
(especially meat) – scroll down on that page to find the studies in English!
What grows
where you are when you are there?
We all know
that tomatoes from greenhouses or imported from Spain don’t taste as good as
those fresh tomatoes that Germany can offer in the summer. And most of them are
picked green before transportation and then ripened artificially.
I love
strawberries. I eat them every day during strawberry season in Germany. That’s
about two months every year.
Now, in
Thailand, there are no strawberries. But the mangoes and papayas, the passion
fruit and coconuts are fresh from the backyard, and they taste so much better
than anywhere else.
reminds me: this all started because I wanted to write about sustainable
travel! So, more on this next time.
for deliciousness and more:
Pick up
Limes (
alignment (
If you want
to dig deeper, here are my recommendations:
A word on
research: Please check were the information and the money comes from. Research
projects need funding. If the sponsor of a study about sugar is coca cola, how
neutral do you think the interpretation of the data can be?
More sources: (
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